Do you ever thought, what and why you are analyzing the situations over and over. What makes you do this? It is you, YES, it is true that you are your best critic. That little voice in your head which constantly on. Sure, many a time, it stops us from messing things up. But other times, it makes us question our worth. Thoughts like “what will people think?”, “what will others say?”, “Am I really good enough?” pop out of nowhere. And that eventually makes us overthink and causes anxiety. Now here question arises, what to do and how to break this cycle?
When you are in circle of thoughts, you focus on the negatives and tend to ignore anything good that’s going on. This makes you anxious which only makes you more negative. This simply pulls you in a vicious circle of negativity.
You want to know what everyone thinks of you and you think you know what others are thinking about you. And it is mostly negative.
People tend to predict the future negatively, and then act as though their fears are imminent.
You view people in terms of all or nothing. One mistake you do and you treat it like everything is vanished and over.
Can be described as DO WHAT YOU LOVE. Stress robs all your positive energy. The more stress, the more critical you become. In order to control these levels of stress, do something which gives you happiness, you love to do. Do something creative, healthy and helpful, something you enjoy, you love. Follow your passion.
Set a purpose in life. Instead of being worried about making mistakes in a work or that someone doesn’t like you, focus on your goals. Set higher goals for yourself and making small errors is not a big deal. This will help you in dealing with anxiety and give thoughts a new perspective, as instead of listening to your inner critics you will start focusing on your purpose.
Surround yourself with people who have positive influence on you. Spend time with people who boost positivity in you. Negative people simply increase your anxiety and the negative critic in you. Making you more stressed.